Radcliffe-on-Trent Drama Group
“Witness for the Prosecution” a drama by Agatha Christie
Tues 21st – Sat 25th February 2023, 7.30pm start in Grange Hall
You have been summoned for Jury service!
The stakes are high; will Leonard survive the shocking witness testimony, will he be able to convince the jury, and you of his innocence?
Agatha Christie’s compelling stage play follows protagonist Leonard Vole, who has been accused of killing a widow to inherit her fortune. A lot is at stake in this thrilling court case and only time will tell whether Leonard can convince the jury that he is an innocent man. Will Leonard survive some shocking witness testimony? Will he be able to convince the jury of his innocence and escape the hangman’s noose?
Debbie Edwards (Sherlock Holmes in Hound of the Baskervilles) directs this gripping tale of justice, passion and betrayal, with the audience thrillingly placed in the thick of the action.
Wheelchair access and toilet facilities are available in Grange Hall which now boasts a hearing loop for the hard of hearing.
All tickets (available from early January) are priced £10 except for our new Tuesday evening price of £9 and all are available via the website or from Pen2Paper Stationers in R-o-T or by phoning 0115 9332906.
NB. Customers ordering tickets on-line via the website will pay a 10% booking fee which allows you to use a credit card or debit card www.radcliffe-on-trentdramagroup.co.uk
We now have a Facebook page @RoTDramaGroup and a Twitter account @rotdram so you can keep up to date by following us on either of these.
Why not book a pre-theatre meal – available from 5.30pm at
Café Piano and The Chestnut
0115 9332233 0115 9331994
10% discount when you show your theatre tickets.