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Local Users

The links below are for organisations outside of the control of The Grange and Grange Hall Management and therefore we are not responsible for any of the content that is found on any of these sites.

Caterpillar Music
Fun, educational, multi-sensory music and movement sessions for babies and toddlers – Every Tuesday in term time.
Laura Dix 07788 282 576

Ceroc Heaven
Every Monday night and a Freestyle once a month on a Friday or Saturday night.
Sue O’Reilly  07915 671 688

Glenda Mary School of Dancing
Friday afternoon Tea Dance and Monthly Social Dance on a Friday or Saturday evening.
Kevin Fallows 0115 983 0116

June Barkes Tea Dance
Every Tuesday afternoon 2-4pm.
June Barkes 0115 933 2159 or 07976 217 456

Knitting Across The Ages
Weekly knitting classes in The Grange on Wednesday afternoons in term time.

Radcliffe-on-Trent Gardening Club
The club hold monthly Thursday evening meetings with talks from invited speakers.
Chairman Janet Maughan 0115 911 9368

Radcliffe-on-Trent Carnival
Radcliffe on Trent Village Carnival takes place in July each year. Please visit our site for more details.

Radcliffe-on-Trent Drama Group
Radcliffe-on-Trent Drama Group perform three plays per year at Grange Hall in February, May and November. We are always keen to welcome new members either to act or help in any other way. Click on our website for more details.

Radcliffe-on-Trent Local History Society
The society hold monthly talks on the first Wednesday evening of the month from September to June.
Marion Caunt 0115 933 2685
Research enquiries

Radpanto was formed in 2009 and they have staged a pantomime at Grange Hall every December since.
Jo Spencer 0115 933 2401

The Arts Society Trent Valley 
Monthly talks at Grange Hall on a range of arts, history and cultural topics. Occasional study days and visits. Heritage volunteering opportunities.

Tumble Tots
Fun physical play activity classes for babies, toddlers and children – Every Thursday morning in term time.
Fiona Grayton 07429 845 132

u3a Radcliffe-on-Trent
Various group sessions including Bridge, Music, Photography, Art, Scrabble, Canasta, Spanish, Keep Fit, Aviation, Wine tasting and a monthly talk.

Zumba Gold
Classes are tailored for older active adults who like to dance or are looking for a low-impact and slower paced exercise class.  Classes are fun, friendly and suitable for beginners.
Suzanna Hernandez 07970 626 544